Principal’s Corner
As you are reading this we have completed the first quarter of school, and I have experienced my first Halloween Parade at Kanesville. When I came to Kanesville, I had no intention of participating in any Halloween activities at school because I saw them as a distraction to the educational process, and to some degree, I still do. However, I have come to see the uniqueness of this community and to realize how important these traditions are to our students and to the community as a whole. I am impressed with the community spirit that abounds at Kanesville, and I am glad to be a part of it.
A couple of reminders:
No vehicles are allowed in the bus circle at any time. Please use the student drop off zone in front of the school when dropping off and picking up your children. State law prohibits parking in a school bus zone, and the Sherriff’s department has assured me that they will be patrolling the area and ticketing cars in the bus loading area.
As the weather changes, please make sure that your children come to school ready to be outside in the weather. Recesses will be held outside unless precipitation is such that students will be too wet to be comfortable in class or the temperature is so low that exposed skin may be damaged. Winter coats, hats and gloves should be with students whenever the weather is cold. Remember, the school doors open at 8:35 so please drop your students off as close to that time as possible while making sure that your students are on time to start class. Students who are at school prior to the doors opening will spend their time outside unless conditions exist that meet the inside recess parameters stated above. We have aides available to supervise the students beginning at 8:15 when the busses arrive, but no supervision is available for students dropped off prior to that time.
Thank you for adapting so well to the new rules regarding adults in the hallways and classrooms. Please remember that if you need to speak with a teacher you are to come to the office and we will call them down for you. If they need to take you to the classroom to address your issue, they will take you with them at that time. Thanks to all of the volunteers who come to the school regularly for your help and for using the sign in sheet in the office so that we can track volunteerism in our school.
Thanks again for all you do to support your children’s education here at Kanesville. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call me or stop in at any time.
K-Town ROCKS!!
PTA President ‘s Corner
Sending out a BIG Thank You!!!
Our PTA volunteers were very busy in October. We want to thank Holly Anderson and her committee for showing our bus drivers and lunch workers how much we appreciate them and how wonderful they all are! We also want to thank Alicia Coats, the Student Council, and everyone who helped with Red Ribbon Week. It was a HUGE success.
Just a reminder about spirit wear. Starting this month, we are only going to be giving out treats TWO Wednesdays a month so please keep wearing your spirit wear every Wednesday because you won’t know which day we will be there!
Happy Fall!
Janet Freestone
Utah has been experiencing a high number of cases of whooping cough this year.
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) is a highly contagious bacterial disease that causes uncontrollable, violent coughing. The coughing can make it hard to breathe. A deep "whooping" sound is often heard when the patient tries to take a breath. Pertussis, or whooping cough, is caused by the Bordetella pertussis or Bordetella parapertussis bacteria. It is a serious disease that can cause permanent disability in infants, and even death. When an infected person sneezes or coughs, tiny droplets containing the bacteria move through the air, and the disease is easily spread from person to person.
Initial symptoms, similar to the common cold, usually develop about a week after exposure to the bacteria .Severe episodes of coughing start about 10 to 12 days later. In children, the coughing often ends with a "whoop" noise. The sound is produced when the patient tries to take a breath. The whoop noise is rare in patients under 6 months of age and in adults. Coughing spells may lead to vomiting or a short loss of consciousness. Pertussis should always be considered when vomiting occurs with coughing. In infants, choking spells are common. Other pertussis symptoms include: runny nose, slight fever, and diarrhea. Diagnosis is made by taking a sample of mucus from the nasal secretions and sending it to a lab, which tests it for pertussis.
If started early enough, antibiotics can make the symptoms go away more quickly. Unfortunately, most patients are diagnosed too late, when antibiotics aren't very effective. However, the medicines can help reduce the patient's ability to spread the disease to others. The best treatment is prevention. Whooping cough is a vaccine preventable illness.
DTaP vaccination, one of the recommended childhood immunizations, protects children against pertussis infection. DTaP vaccine can be safely given to infants. Five DTaP vaccines are recommended. They are usually given to children at ages 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 15-18 months, and 4-6 years However, immunity wanes over time. Therefore, the Tdap vaccine is a required immunization for 7th grade entry.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
October 2011 Paw Print

Wow! What a great start to school! I have had a blast learning about this community and getting to know all of your students. Kanesville is a great place. I have appreciated the way all of you have adjusted to the changes in our school policies, both in the parking lot and in the building. We believe that these changes are creating a safer environment for your children, as well as improving their learning opportunities. We had a great turn out for the Family Skate night and the feedback was very good. We hope to continue providing opportunities for our community to come together for fun family activities. Remember Parent Teacher Conferences October 12-14. I look forward to seeing each of you then.
K-Town ROCKS!!
Mr. Z

When you are in your child's class for any parties remember your camera & take pictures to turn in later for the yearbook.
Anything can count from helping in the classroom, to helping at an activity, field trips, attending PTA meetings, helping at home for the school, and even if someone babysits your child while you are helping at school, & etc. Record your hours on the clipboard in the office.
The first Wednesday of every month is our PTA meetings at 1:30 pm in the teacher’s lounge.
We encourage anyone who would like to be involved to attend.

Happy Fall!
Thank you to all the students and faculty who have shown their school spirit on Wednesdays and worn NAVY BLUE, GRAY, spirit socks/sleeves, or a Kanesville shirt. Let’s keep it up!! We also want to thank everyone who volunteers at the school, or for the school at home, with the PTA, and however else you may be donating your time. We sure appreciate it! Please remember to record your volunteer hours in the class rooms or on the clip board (at the office). We also want to remind you to keep clipping your BOX TOPS and CAMPBELL’S SOUP LABELS. The money we earn is used to purchase new P.E. equipment. We earned $1,700.00 last year and our goal this year is $2,000.00!! So keep clipping!!
Janet Freestone
Halloween Safety
Most people think of Halloween as a time for fun and treats. It is that, however, it is also a time when injuries can occur. Falls are a leading cause of injury on Halloween, and roughly four times as many children ages 5-14 are killed while walking on Halloween evening compared with other evenings of the year. Parents can help prevent children from getting injured at Halloween by following these safety tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the CDC, and National Safety Council:
Go to well lit houses and do NOT enter these houses; Travel in groups with an adult; Know their phone number and have their names and addresses attached to costumes; Bring treats home for inspection by parents before eating; Use a flashlight and stay on the sidewalks; Cross streets at corners and not between parked cars; Avoid masks or hats that obscure vision, and avoid long, baggy or loose costumes!
Supervise children; Establish curfew for older children; Prepare homes for trick-or-treaters by clearing porches, lawns and sidewalks; Inspect all candy for safety before children eat it; If driving – drive slowly; Carve pumpkins on a stable, flat surface with good lighting, and have parents do the carving after children have drawn a face on the outside of the pumpkin!
Remind your child not to share costumes and accessories with other children. Head lice love Halloween. As children try on costumes, masks and hats head lice can travel from one child to another.
Happy Haunting!! Have a fun and SAFE Halloween!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The Paw Print September 2011
Principal’s Corner
First of all, let me say thank you for making me feel so welcome as the “New Guy” here at Kanesville. This is a great community with great families and kids and I am very lucky to be a part of your community. A testament to the families here is how well the whole community has adjusted to the changes in our drop-off and pick-up policies. We as a staff feel very good about the new policies and we are grateful for the way you have adjusted. We believe that our children are safer because of these new policies and that is our number 1 concern.
We want to welcome Mrs. Chris Taylor to our staff. She is our new 1st grade teacher, and we are lucky to have her on our staff. Please take time to say hi to her and help her feel welcome at our school.
I had a great time at back to school night meeting all of you. I want all of you to know that I have an open door policy and welcome all of your input. I can’t promise that we will always agree, but I can promise that I will always listen and maintain an open dialogue with anyone who has concerns.
Thanks again for welcoming me to your school. I look forward to many years of working alongside our great staff to provide the best education in Weber County.
K-Town Rocks!!!
Scott Zellmer

Our New Principal Mr. Zellmer, and Teachers Kirk Porter, Leslie Wilde both second grade teachers that came from Riverdale Elementary, also Chris Taylor whom is a new teacher in 1st grade.
Please take the time to read the Newsletter! There is great information to keep you informed as to what is happening at the school. If you have anything to contribute, please contact us at
New style of shirts/hoodies come in Navy or Grey. Also don’t miss out on the Navy/White striped Spirit Sleeves or Socks. Print order form below or get an order form from the office & return to the office.
PTA President ‘s Corner
Welcome Back!! We are so excited for another great school year at Kanesville Elementary. We would like to thank everyone for coming to Back-To-School-Night and supporting the PTA. We would also like to give a BIG thank you to all the volunteers who helped . We had a great turn out. The new hoodie and t-shirt design and spirit sleeves were a huge hit! If you didn’t have a chance to see or purchase them, we have one on display in the office. We are sending home our order form from Back to School Night with the newsletter. We are also accepting donations for our PTA donation drive and selling PTA memberships. A cash donation and PTA membership are ways to help and support the PTA which in turn helps support teachers and activities at the school. We would like to welcome our new principal, Mr. Zellmer, and all the other new faculty members at Kanesville. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact a member of the board or email us at
Janet Freestone
The first Wednesday of every month is our PTA meetings at 1:30 pm in the teacher’s lounge. We encourage anyone who would like to be involved with the PTA to attend.

Welcome back! I hope that you have had a wonderful summer and that your child is ready to be back and eager to learn. As a new year begins, it is always good to review a few guidelines to maintain your health.
First, eat a good breakfast before coming to school. Your brain uses the energy you get from food to help you learn. If you haven’t eaten since the night before, your brain is pretty low on energy. Take the time to eat before leaving for school. Whole grain carbohydrates and a protein will stay with your child much longer than cold cereal.
Next, sleep is an essential element in doing well in school. School age children need at least 10 hours of sleep each night. Encourage your children to start winding down the day 30-45 minutes before they should actually be asleep. This can include bedtime routines such as brushing their teeth, choosing what they want to wear the next day and some time spent reading.
We will be doing a vision screening for 1st –6th grade on September 20th. I will have some PTA volunteers here to help me screen the students. I will send a notice home to you if your child does not pass the vision screening. If you do not want you child’s vision tested, please notify me in writing. If you need assistance with an eye exam or glasses, please let me know. There are resources available to those who qualify.
If you child will be taking medication at school this year, or keeping medication at school to be used as needed, please notify me. You will need to have an authorization form signed by you and your physician on file at school. This includes both prescription and over the counter medications. These forms can be found on the nurse’s page on the district website.
Please notify me if your child has any chronic health problems that might require intervention at school. It is Weber School District’s policy to have a Individualized Health Plan for students with health care needs.
I will be at Kanesville Elementary on Tuesdays this year. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child that you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact me. My email is
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Early Out all Week of 8/23
Grades 1-6 School Hours are 8:40-3:15 Wed Schedule for Early out 8:40-1:15
Kindergarten starts Monday Aug 29th Morning 8:40-11:30 Afternoon 12:30-3:15 Wed Schedule for Kindergarten is Morning 8:40-10:30 Afternoon 11:30-1:15
Lunch is $1.75 per day or 40cents per day for reduced lunch. Extra milk is 50cents Adults lunches are $3.25 per day.
Breakfast is from 8:25-8:40 cost is $1.25 per day or 30cents per day for reduced breakfast. Adult Breakfast is $2.25 per day.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Don't forget Back to School Night!!!
5:30 to 7:30
Meet your Teacher
Join PTA
"NEW" T-shirts, Hoodies, spirit sleeves, spirit socks,
& Vinyl Cougar Decals
School Starts Tuesday, August 23rd
5:30 to 7:30
Meet your Teacher
Join PTA
"NEW" T-shirts, Hoodies, spirit sleeves, spirit socks,
& Vinyl Cougar Decals
School Starts Tuesday, August 23rd
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