Monday, January 30, 2012

February Paw Print

Principal’s Corner
February is here and we are more than halfway thru the school year.  The upper grade program was a success and the kids really had a great time putting it on.  There are lots of exciting things happening this time of year.  The 5th grade is going skiing, the 6th grade is prepping for their Valentines dance, and the lower grades are beginning to prepare for their program in the spring.  The school choir has started rehearsing, and the student council is putting the final touches on Spirit Week.  Thanks go out to Layne Clarke and AIS for their generous support of the Accelerated Reader Program in our school.  Last quarter, more than 160 students made their reading goals and were able to attend a great field trip to the Clearfield Aquatic center.  Please continue to encourage your children to read NIGHTLY so that they can reach their goals and attend the field trip at the end of this quarter.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Feb. 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  Please make sure that you come to your conferences and bring your student with you.  We realize that families have many activities going on in the evenings, but we want to encourage all of you to attend your child’sconference .  These conferences are extremely valuable to the partnership we as a school have with you as we try to work with you to provide the best possible education for your child.  If issues arise that cannot be avoided, please call the school and we will try to accommodate you.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call me at any time.

K-Town Rocks!!
Mr. Z

 PTA President’s corner
Happy “Candy Hearts” Month!
I can’t believe we are half way done with this school year. The PTA has a lot of fun things planned for the next few months. We will be having a “Have a Heart to Save a Heart” fund raiser the week of February 6th (more details to come soon!). We are also starting to plan our annual “Family Fun Walk and Carnival” on May 9th so mark your calendars. We are still in desperate need of a President Elect and Treasurer for the 2012-2013 school year. If you would like to be involved with the wonderful PTA at Kanesville Elementary, please let a board member know.
Thanks for all you do for the school! I really appreciate it!!

Teaching your child to brush their teeth is a very important life skill . Having your child brush is extremely important because it establishes good oral habits that last a lifetime. The key to getting your child to brush when they are preschool and early school age is Making it Fun!
Allow them to brush their own teeth and then follow up by brushing their teeth correctly. Instructing them on correct technique improves their ability to learn to brush correctly, and not form bad brushing habits. Use only a pea size amount of toothpaste on their toothbrush. Make sure that your child gets into the habit of spitting out the toothpaste. Tooth decay occurs faster in children than in adults. By brushing your child’s teeth, you remove the plaque bacteria, which are responsible for tooth decay. Remember to use a tooth paste with fluoride. Fluoride has beneficial effects on the formation of dental enamel and bones.
Your child should brush their teeth at least twice a day for 2 minutes, and should visit the dentist twice a year. If your child is wearing braces, they should brush their teeth each time they eat.
Your enthusiasm is contagious! Let’s embrace good dental habits.
Dental Care resources are available to those who need dental care and do not have dental insurance. Please contact me at the school at 801-452-4680 for more information.

Claudia Streuper, RN, BSN
School Nurse, Kanesville Elementary

Friday, January 6, 2012

January 2012 Paw Print

Principal’s Corner
2012, here we go! We are coming to the end of the first semester, and things are moving along very well at Kanesville.  The upper grades are putting the finishing touches on their program, and it looks like it is going to be great.  A special thanks goes out to all the teachers and volunteers who spend so much time putting the program together, especially Sue Smith who has put in hundreds of hours helping this year’s play be the best ever. 
We are moving forward with our Educational Technology Initiative which now includes 35 Android Pads for student use along with the Kindles, Smart Boards and Smart Table.  Our teachers are developing lesson plans and educational activities to help our students get the most out of these new technologies.  We have ordered another 15 Androids to get us to 50 with the goal being 100 by the end of the year.  If you are interested in finding out more about our Educational Technology Initiative or how you can contribute to it, please call me any time. 
Thanks again for all of your support with the changes in the morning procedures and in the parking lot.  If you have any questions, concern or suggestions, please call me at any time at 801-452-4684.

K-Town Rocks!!

Mr. Z

PTA President’s corner
Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season with family and friends! Now that the new year has arrived, it's time to start thinking about the next school year! We are in need of a President Elect and a Treasurer for the 2012-2013 school year. If you or someone you know is interested, please let one of the PTA board members know. This is a great way to be involved and help make Kanesville Elementary the best!!
Janet Freestone

 How to tell when your child should stay home from school.
 Here are red flags to watch for:
*Repeated diarrhea and/or vomiting within the past 24 hours. 
*A fever in the range of 102 to 104 degrees, especially accompanied by lethargy.
*A severe cold with fever, sneezing and thickened nasal discharge means stay at home.
*A sore throat combined with a fever or swollen glands.
*A cough that keeps a child awake at night, worsens with increased activity, or is combined with other symptoms generally merits a day off.
*A severe and persistent earache may be a sign of acute otitis media, a common ear infection, and merits a trip to the doctor.
*Redness in the whites of eyes, yellow eye discharge and matted eyelashes are symptoms of conjunctivitis, commonly known as pinkeye.  Again, call the doctor.
*Rashes, if they are all over the body, blistery, oozing or sore, they could be a sign of a contagious infection.
*Head lice-please treat before sending to school.
*Breathing trouble.
*Not eating for more than a day.
*Sharp or persistent pains in the abdomen or stomach.

Parents should ask themselves “If my child were perfectly healthy, would I want him or her to sit next to a child with these symptoms”.