Wow! What a great start to school! I have had a blast learning about this community and getting to know all of your students. Kanesville is a great place. I have appreciated the way all of you have adjusted to the changes in our school policies, both in the parking lot and in the building. We believe that these changes are creating a safer environment for your children, as well as improving their learning opportunities. We had a great turn out for the Family Skate night and the feedback was very good. We hope to continue providing opportunities for our community to come together for fun family activities. Remember Parent Teacher Conferences October 12-14. I look forward to seeing each of you then.
K-Town ROCKS!!
Mr. Z

When you are in your child's class for any parties remember your camera & take pictures to turn in later for the yearbook.
Anything can count from helping in the classroom, to helping at an activity, field trips, attending PTA meetings, helping at home for the school, and even if someone babysits your child while you are helping at school, & etc. Record your hours on the clipboard in the office.
The first Wednesday of every month is our PTA meetings at 1:30 pm in the teacher’s lounge.
We encourage anyone who would like to be involved to attend.

Happy Fall!
Thank you to all the students and faculty who have shown their school spirit on Wednesdays and worn NAVY BLUE, GRAY, spirit socks/sleeves, or a Kanesville shirt. Let’s keep it up!! We also want to thank everyone who volunteers at the school, or for the school at home, with the PTA, and however else you may be donating your time. We sure appreciate it! Please remember to record your volunteer hours in the class rooms or on the clip board (at the office). We also want to remind you to keep clipping your BOX TOPS and CAMPBELL’S SOUP LABELS. The money we earn is used to purchase new P.E. equipment. We earned $1,700.00 last year and our goal this year is $2,000.00!! So keep clipping!!
Janet Freestone
Halloween Safety
Most people think of Halloween as a time for fun and treats. It is that, however, it is also a time when injuries can occur. Falls are a leading cause of injury on Halloween, and roughly four times as many children ages 5-14 are killed while walking on Halloween evening compared with other evenings of the year. Parents can help prevent children from getting injured at Halloween by following these safety tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the CDC, and National Safety Council:
Go to well lit houses and do NOT enter these houses; Travel in groups with an adult; Know their phone number and have their names and addresses attached to costumes; Bring treats home for inspection by parents before eating; Use a flashlight and stay on the sidewalks; Cross streets at corners and not between parked cars; Avoid masks or hats that obscure vision, and avoid long, baggy or loose costumes!
Supervise children; Establish curfew for older children; Prepare homes for trick-or-treaters by clearing porches, lawns and sidewalks; Inspect all candy for safety before children eat it; If driving – drive slowly; Carve pumpkins on a stable, flat surface with good lighting, and have parents do the carving after children have drawn a face on the outside of the pumpkin!
Remind your child not to share costumes and accessories with other children. Head lice love Halloween. As children try on costumes, masks and hats head lice can travel from one child to another.
Happy Haunting!! Have a fun and SAFE Halloween!