To those of you who have (or will have) children at Rocky Mountain Jr High during the 2012-2013 school year, We are trying to put together our PTSA board for next year! We will be discussing all the positions that need filling at our next meeting....Thursday Feb 2nd at 9am at RMJH--just go to the office and they will tell you where the mtg is held.
I know being on the PTA in elementary is a big job. The PTSA isn't quite so time consuming! We have a meeting the first Thursday of the month and then take turns volunteering. We sell school shirts, drinks & candy at games in the Coke wagon, we have student of the month (where we sit with the classes while the teachers give out awards), we chaperone at stomps, etc!
It's a lot of fun and we really need your help! If you have any more questions you can email me or just show up to the meeting! Thanks! Leslie Saunders