Brent Alvey Plumbing Q2 Consultants, Inc.
Rich Gallegos, Attorney at Law Eastlake Endodontics
Concrete Raising Corp. of Utah Dr. Kevin Stucki,
Anderson Auto Body & Paint Ogden Clinic Orthopedics
Live Wire Electric, Inc. Andersen Family
Roadrunner Surveying Doxey Family Chiropractic
Divergent Logic Academy Mortgage
Intermountain T-shirts Thurgood Plumbing
Smith Stone Supply, Inc. Bill and Sandy Gibson
Coats Family Freestone Family
Get Air
Family Fun Fair
May 9th 5:00 - 8:00
Fun Walk starts at 5:00
Carnival 5:30-8:00
Silent Auction- Great Deals!
Dinner- CHIK FIL A and PIZZA
Dunk Booth- Watch out 6th Graders!
Face and Hair Painting
Bounce Houses
Cotton Candy
Snow Cones
Much More....
If you would like to help by volunteering please contact Amy Magruder at 801-731-6431
May 9th 5:00 - 8:00
Fun Walk starts at 5:00
Carnival 5:30-8:00
Silent Auction- Great Deals!
Dinner- CHIK FIL A and PIZZA
Dunk Booth- Watch out 6th Graders!
Face and Hair Painting
Bounce Houses
Cotton Candy
Snow Cones
Much More....
If you would like to help by volunteering please contact Amy Magruder at 801-731-6431

Looks like we made it! This year has just flown by. I am so grateful to have been a part of the Kanesville community this year. Our staff is awesome, our kids are great, and this community is extremely supportive. We are in the process of preparing for next year, even before this one ends.
Just a few of reminders:
Core testing begins on April 30thand runs thru May 18th. Please make sure your children are well rested, well fed and ready to do perform when they come to school during testing. Please spend time with them reviewing and reinforcing the fact that they should do their best on the tests. Schedules during our testing window are very tight, so please keep checkout and absences to a minimum during those 3 weeks. We do not want to make a lot of calls into classrooms as they can be very disruptive, so please send any special instructions to school with your children in written form.
The parking lot after school is becoming congested again. Please remember to stay in your cars when you are in the pickup line and remember to move forward when space is available in front of you. We have had a couple of days this week where we have been backed up into the street, and it was directly related to people not moving the line forward when the opportunity arose. If you do not want to wait on the line, you have a couple of options. You can either park in the marked stalls, get out of your car and pick up your child at the curb, or you can park on the East side of 3500, South of the driveway, and have your child walk out to you there. We do not want students walking across 3500 or the driveway to get to cars. These rules are for your children’s safety, so please be respectful of them.
As the weather warms, students like to wear flip-flops or other types of open toed shoes. Although they are cool and fashionable, they do lead to foot injuries on the playground. For the safety of your children, please send them to school in shoes that are appropriate for running and jumping as that is what most of our kids do at recess.
Thank you in advance for all of your support. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
K-Town Rocks!!
Mr. Z

It’s the last month of the school year and I am amazed how fast it has gone by. We have had a wonderful year but we still have a few events coming up before summer! Mark your calendars for May 9th for our Family Fun Fair! We will have the Fun Walk and then back to the school for games, bounce houses, silent basket auction, great food (Chik-fil-a and Pizza!) and tons of fun. A big thanks to all who have helped plan this event! Our Field day will be May 21st. If anyone would like to help, please let someone from the PTA know. We would also like to thank everyone for making the BOGO book fair a huge success! Thank You to Shawnell Thurgood and Erika Stewart for all their hard work in making our book fairs great!! This has been an amazing year at Kanesville and I feel honored to have been a part of it! Thank You to all the parents and faculty for your continued support! We hope everyone has a great last month of school and a fabulous summer!
Summer is on the way! Sunburns may seem like the simple after-effect of a nice day but a sunburn is very dangerous and may lead to skin cancer.
Covering up from head to toe is not practical so how do you protect yourself from damaging effects of the sun?
ü Use sunscreen. Sunscreens should be used every day if you are going to be in the sun for more that 20 minutes. The type of sunscreen you choose is a matter of personal choice.
ü Apply it as often as directed, especially after swimming or strenuous activity.
ü Cover up with light colored, cool, loose clothing that protects the skin and wear a hat.
ü Don’t forget the lips. Protect them with a lip balm with sunscreen.
ü Protect your eyes by wearing sun glasses that protect you from UV rays.
ü Stay out of the sun when UV levels are the highest.
Spending time outdoors is part of a healthy, active life. Whether you enjoy tennis, biking, hiking, swimming, running, or just being outdoors, take some precautions when you’re out in the sun.